WINE      &     CHEESE

Paul, Ken, and Lakshmi approve of wine choices

Megan and Steve sample the cheeses

Marni, Dana, and Dolly (on break) while Joe continues to work

The Pedicinis reminisce about times in Palermo with Dan

Tracey and Mark explain to Mitch that he's under-age for the drinks
Rita talks to next year's Reach-the-Beach team members,
Jane, Patty, Diann, and Ali (displaying her R'N'R medal)

Alan reads off all the reasons he's not doing a Marathon this Fall and doesn't mind.

Ruth thanks AARC on behalf of The Quaker School at Horsham
Lenore takes notes.

Girls On The Run representatives, Tracy and Lisa
Dana thinks about being on the run

Joe and Diann discuss strategies for Lemon Hill and the Philly Marathon

47 runners walk into a theater. 
Bartender says "I'm sorry, we don't serve runners here."
Runner says "Well then let me get my penguin."

A good time was had by all.




















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